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respond(); }); $("#bluebar").animate({height:"80px"}, 10); $("#phrase").animate({"font-size":"1.4em", left:"60%", top:"26px"}, 100); //$("#phrase .innerfx").css({"font-weight": "200", "color":"#fff;"}); }else{ if ( s !== 0 ) { //console.log("run open"); //open //$("#pagesection").css("margin-left", "580px"); //$("#promosection").css("margin-left", "1100px"); el.attr("data-menu-offset", 250); $("#logo").animate({top:"4px",left:"0px"}, 100); $("#logo img").animate({height:"72px"}, 100); $(".navmove").animate({left:"+=300px"}, 100, function() { //console.log("respond() from toggleNav menu is closed line 204 app.js"); respond(); }); $("#bluebar").animate({height:"80px"}, 10); $("#phrase").animate({"font-size":"1.4em", left:"60%", top:"26px"}, 100); //$("#phrase .innerfx").css({"font-weight": "100", "color":"inherit"}); } } setTimeout('respond()', 100); } function getRandomInt (min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; } function animatePhrase() { var mySplitText = new SplitText("#phrase", {type:"chars,words, lines"}), tl = new TimelineLite(); 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var thislength = hash.length + 1; //console.log( thishref.slice(1,thislength) + ' == ' + hash ); if ( thishref.slice(1,thislength) == hash ) { $(this).siblings("span.circle").css("background-color", "#1868a5"); } }); //replace for load hash = hash.split('-').join('/'); hash = hash.replace("$", ".php?"); //$("#container").css("min-width", ""); //set core recolor attr //$("#page-core").attr("data-recolor", ""); //$("#container_body").css("height", "0px"); //$("#page").fadeOut(800); $("#page").load("pages/"+hash, function() { //run pagecall function after load //window.pagecall.instance(); //$("#container_body").css("height", "auto"); $("#body_page").fadeIn(500, function(){ //$(document).scrollTop(0); //$("#page").fadeIn(800); //$("#credits").fadeIn(800); $('#user_panel').fadeOut(200); $('#panel_content').html(''); }); }); }); }else if (dblhash != curdblhash && dblhash != null) { //make a change to the loaded hash page of dblhash content //update current hash $('html').data('dblhash', dblhash); var arr_dblhash = dblhash.split("_"); $("#" + arr_dblhash[0]).load("jax/" + arr_dblhash[0] + ".php?ID=" + arr_dblhash[1] + "&" + Math.random()); } } setTimeout('readHash()',500); //half seconds } $(document).ready(function() { //hash settngs $('html').data('hash', ""); $('html').data('dblhash', ""); readHash(); //globalRespond(); $(".container-top-logo img").click(function() { window.open('#home$', '_self'); }); $(document).on('dragstart','img', function(event) { //console.log('dragstart'); return false; }); //$("body").delay(200).fadeIn(200); if ( window.location.hostname !== 'wel.showroom.one') { $("#logo").remove(); $("title").text("Custom Carpet"); $("#phrase").text("Customize your carpet today!").css("color", "#555"); $("#bluebar").css("background-color", "rgba(255,255,255,.8)"); $("#trigger div.ham").css("background-color", "#ccc"); console.log('private label mode'); } }); //no select function disableSelect(th){ th.css("-webkit-touch-callout", "none") .css("-moz-user-select", "none") .css("-webkit-user-select", "none") .css("-khtml-user-select", "none") .css("-o-user-select", "none") .css("user-select", "none") .css("-webkit-user-drag", "none"); 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} ); }, dur); }, close: function(event, ui) { $(this).remove(); } }); } //full dialog function fullDialog(id, src, w, h) { $("#modals").append('
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').animate({ scrollTop: "0px" }, 0); var img = new Image(); var imgsrc = imgURL + addCache(); img.src = imgsrc; img.onload = function() { //clearTimeout(timeout); //set target src $(elementID).attr("src", img.src); //remove loader $(elementID).siblings('div.imgloader').fadeOut(600, function(){ $(this).remove(); }); //run callback if ( typeof(callback) === "function" ) { $(elementID).fadeOut(0, function(){ callback(img); $(elementID).fadeIn(1200); }); } } img.onError = function() { //do something } /*var timeout = setTimeout(function(){ if ( $(elementID).attr("src") != imgsrc ) { console.log(elementID + " failed to load " + imgsrc + " in time"); //console.log($(elementID).attr("src") + " match " + timeout_src); //loadIMG(elementID, imgURL, callback); } }, 6500); */ } //view design function loadDesignViewer(simID, showColors, DPI, Width, Height, Type_REF, Base) { if ( typeof showColors === "undefined" ) { showColors = false; } if ( typeof Base === "undefined" ) { Base = 'cutpile'; } //commons/sim_tiled.php?simID=67&scale=25&w=830&h=400 //product_image.php?simID=" + simID + "&r=830&d=830x400&s=single&base=" + Base loadIMG("#defaultpimg", "commons/sim_tiled.php?simID=" + simID + "&scale=25&w=830&h=600", function(img){ //callback if ( showColors ) { $("#options").load('commons/load_recolor_screen.php?simID=' + simID + addCache(), function(){ //show $("#options").slideDown(800, "easeInOutQuart"); }); } //get width var w = 830;//820-img.width; $("#sceneholder").css("width", w + "px"); // was "/product_image.php?simID=" + simID + "&r=100&d=" + w + "x195" if ( Type_REF.indexOf("@2@") >= 0 ) //Type 2 was Corridor on 06-04-2017 { //if ( Width > 36 ) //{ var sceneID = 5; //corridor //}else{ // var sceneID = 2; //border //} }else if ( Type_REF.indexOf("@5@") >= 0 ){ var sceneID = 5; //arearug }else if ( Type_REF.indexOf("@4@") >= 0 ){ var sceneID = 5; //publc }else { var sceneID = 5; //guestroom } //override for last chosen scene if ( $("#viewdesign").attr("data-scene") != 0 ) { sceneID = $("#viewdesign").attr("data-scene"); } //load scene loadIMG("#sceneimg", "commons/getscene_image.php?s=" + sceneID + "&r=" + simID + "&w=" + 3000 + "&h=400", function(){ $("#sceneimg").css("width", "100%"); $.easing.def = "easeOutQuart"; //$('#sceneholder').delay(1600).animate({ scrollTop: "830px" }, 900); //$('#mCSB_1_container').delay(1000).animate({ position: "relative", top: "-260px", left: "0px" }, 900); //callback loadPan(simID, DPI, Width, Height, w, Base); }); }); //load each image at once } function loadScene(sceneID, simID) { //select scene in attr of #viewdesign for same scene on recolor $("#viewdesign").attr("data-scene", sceneID); //load scene loadIMG("#sceneimg", "/commons/getscene_image.php?s=" + sceneID + "&r=" + simID + "&w=" + 3000 + "&h=195", function(){ $("#sceneimg").css("width", "100%"); $.easing.def = "easeOutQuart"; var parent = $('#sceneimg').parent(); if ( parent.attr("id") == 'sceneholder' ) { var scoll_pos = 140; }else{ var scoll_pos = 300; } $('#sceneimg').parent().delay(400).animate({ scrollTop: scoll_pos + "px" }, 900); }); } function loadPan(simID, DPI, Width, Height, view_w, Base){ z = 1.4; //fized zoom if ( typeof Base === "undefined" ) { Base = 'cutpile'; } //destroy previous draggable event if ( $('#pan').is('.ui-draggable') ) { $('#pan').draggable("destroy"); } $('#pan').html('').parent().prepend('
'); //set load_default_img w h var w_w = view_w; var w_h = 195; //$("#zoomimg").css({"width":w_w}); //$("#zoomimg").css({"height":w_h}); //calc tile w = Math.round( Math.floor(Width*DPI) / z ); h = Math.round( Math.floor(Height*DPI) / z ); $(function(){ window.t2 = new bgViewer( $('#pan'), '/product_image.php?simID=' + simID + '&s=true&r=8000&base=cutpile&.jpg', 5 ); }); $("#pan").siblings('div.imgloader').fadeOut(600, function(){ $(this).remove(); /*$('#mCSB_1_container').delay(300).animate({ position: "relative", top: "-260px", left: "0px" }, 3000);*/ }); } /* ========================================================================== _prototypes Functions ========================================================================== */ function changeZoomLevel(w) { //was trying to change zoom level back out after login //http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5574189/is-is-possible-to-change-page-zoom-in-mobile-safari-via-javascript /* NOT working var sViewport = ''; var jViewport = $('meta[name="viewport"]'); if (jViewport.length > 0) { jViewport.replaceWith(sViewport); } else { $('head').append(sViewport); } */ } function _up() { $(window).scrollTop(0); } function _setfocus(id) { setTimeout(function() { $('#' + id).focus(); }, 200); } function _exist(el) { return $(el).length; } //create a cookie function createCookie(name,value,days) { if (days) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime()+(days*24*60*60*1000)); var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString(); } else var expires = ""; document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/; domain=" + _APP_cookie_domain; } /* ========================================================================== User Functions ========================================================================== */ function logout() { if (window.localStorage) { var uid = localStorage.getItem("UID"); }else{ var uid = 0; } window.open('/logout.php?u='+$('#account_panel').data('data-userid')+'&uid='+uid, '_self'); } function isUserReal(e) { var emailPattern = /^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$/; if ( e.length > 2 && emailPattern.test(e) ) { //if valid user exist in database //send email to server for true or false responce $.get("/commons/checkEmail.php?e=" + e, function( data ) //had difficulty getting data out of event { if ( data > 0 ) { promptPassword(); }else{ createAccount(); } }); }else{ setText('#login h3', "Email address is not yet a valid format"); clearPassword(); clearCreateAccount(); } } function loadSignin(el, html_load) { $('#' + el).html(html_load); _up(); _setfocus('user_email'); $('#user_email').keyup(function() { var e = $(this).val(); if ( e.length > 3 ) { isUserReal(e); } }); } function setText(el, msg) { $(el).text(msg).stop().animate({opacity:0},400,"linear",function(){ $(this).animate({opacity:1},600); }); } function promptPassword() { if ( $('#user_pass').length == 0 ) { setText('#login h3', "Account found please provide the password"); //prompt for password $("#login").append('
Reset my password
'); _setfocus('user_pass'); $('#user_pass').keypress(function(event) { if (event.keyCode == 13) { usercheck(); } }); } clearCreateAccount(); } function pwReset() { //post $.post("modals/send_passwordreset.php", { email: $("#user_email").val() }, function(data) { if (data) { setText('#login h3', "Check your email for new password"); } } ); } function clearPassword() { if ( $('#user_pass').length != 0 ) { //clear it $("#login #user_pass_content").remove(); } } function usercheck() { var e = $("#user_email").val(); var pw = $("#user_pass").val(); var errors = []; var ready = []; //password if ( pw.length < 8 ) { errors.push("user_pass");; }else{ ready.push("user_pass"); } if ( errors.length > 0 ) { for(i=0; i 0 ) { for(i=0; i -1 ) { user = data.split(":"); userLogin(user[0], user[1], 400); }else{ setText('#login h3', "Password does not match"); } } ); } } function login() { loadPanel('/modals/login.php'); } function reloadSignIn() { loadPanel('/modals/get_pdf.php'); } function registerAccount() { var errors = []; var ready = []; //firstname check if ( $("#first_name").val().length < 2 ) { errors.push("first_name"); }else{ ready.push("first_name"); } //lastname check if ( $("#last_name").val().length < 2 ) { errors.push("last_name");; }else{ ready.push("last_name"); } //company check if ( $("#company_name").val().length < 2 ) { errors.push("company_name");; }else{ ready.push("company_name"); } //phone check if ( $("#phone_number").val().length < 10 ) { errors.push("phone_number");; }else{ ready.push("phone_number"); } //zip code if ( $("#zip_code").val().length < 5 ) { errors.push("zip_code");; }else{ ready.push("zip_code"); } //console.log($("#account_type").val()); //account_type if ( $("#account_type").val() < 1 ) { errors.push("account_type");; }else{ ready.push("account_type"); } //password if ( $("#user_pass").val().length < 8 ) { errors.push("user_pass");; }else{ ready.push("user_pass"); } if ( errors.length > 0 ) { for(i=0; i 0 ) { for(i=0; i\ \ \
First Name
\ \
Last Name
\ \
\ \
Company Name
\ \
Phone Number
\ \
Zip Code
\ \
\ \
Account Type
' + select + '
\ \
\ \
Password (minimum of 8 characters)
\ \
\ \
\ Remember your password if you forget it you will need to reset it. We cannot provide passwords as they are encrypted to us always. Your privacy is a top priority for us. Your information will not sold or disclosed. Account status is subject to approval and access can be denied for any reason at any time.\
\ \
\ \ \ '; //--------------------------- _setfocus('first_name'); $('#login').html(html_load); //}); //should create select variable } function createAccount() { //prompt to create new account //we need //email, password, company name, phone number, and zip code clearPassword() if ( $('#user_create_content').length == 0 ) { setText('#login h3', "That email address is not recognized"); $("#login").append('
'); //_setfocus('create_account_btn'); } } function clearCreateAccount() { $("#login #user_create_content").remove(); } function closeUserPanel() { //changeZoomLevel(1000); //not working $("#user_panel").animate({ height: "0px", /*width: '0px',*/ opacity: 1, marginBottom: '0px' }, 0, function() { $("#user_panel #panel_content").html(''); $("#user_panel").hide(); //_setfocus("search_box"); //trying to zoom out }); } function autoLogin() { if (window.localStorage){ //create a local storage method of the user var uid = localStorage.getItem("UID"); //saves to the database, key/value var autologin = localStorage.getItem("autologin"); if ( uid !== null && autologin !== null ) { //fire post $.post("modals/autologin.php", { uid: uid, autologin: autologin }, function(data) { if ( data.indexOf(":") > -1 ) { user = data.split(":"); userLogin(user[0], user[1], 400); }else{ //do nothing graceful fail } } ); } } } //initial run autoLogin(); function userLogin(UID, userID, days) { //establish a new login if (window.localStorage){ //create a local storage method of the user localStorage.setItem("UID", UID); //saves to the database, key/value localStorage.setItem("autologin", userID); }else{ createCookie("UID", UID, days); } closeUserPanel(); $("#account_panel").html('
  •  my favorites
  • ' + '
  •  my account
  • ' + '
  •  logout
  • ').attr("data-userID", (userID/3)); } function myFavorites() { if ( !_exist('#myfavorites') ) { loadPanel('/modals/myfavorites.php?u=' + $('#account_panel').attr("data-userid")); }else{ closeUserPanel(); } } function myAccount() { //toggleNav(0); if ( !_exist('#myaccount') ) { loadPanel('/modals/myaccount.php?u=' + $('#account_panel').attr("data-userid")); }else{ closeUserPanel(); } } function displayUpdateInfo() { var el = $('#user_info'); var userid = el.attr("data-u"); if (typeof cancel == 'function') { cancel(); } el.load("modals/edit_user_info.php?u=" + userid); } function changepwd() { var el = $('#user_pwd'); var userid = el.attr("data-u"); if (typeof cancel == 'function') { cancel(); } el.load("modals/edit_user_pwd.php?u=" + userid); } /* ========================================================================== Showcase Functions ========================================================================== */ function buildShowcase() { //if dblhash is not ALL dblhash = $('html').data('dblhash'); if ( dblhash == "" ) // { dblhash = "all"; } $("#products #colorways").load("commons/load_products.php?" + addCache(), function() { $('#loadingDiv').hide(); $('.limitproducts').css("color", "#ffffff"); //$('a[data-filter="' + dblhash + '"]').css("color", "#f78d1e"); }); /* ABC FUNCTION var alphabet = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z" ]; $('#toolbar').html('
    '); $.each( alphabet, function( index, value ) { $("#alpha_sorter").append( '' + value + ''); }); $(".selectalpha").click(function(){ var letter = $(this).html(); //console.log( letter + ' span clicked'); var num = $("#colorways div[data-ll='" + letter + "']").attr("data-index"); if ( num == undefined) { if ( letter == "A" ) { $("#alpha_sorter span").last().trigger("click"); }else{ $(this).prev().trigger("click"); } return; } var wdt = $("#innerpage").width(); var columns = 6; //Math.floor((wdt-30)/112)*1; var moveto = Math.floor(num/columns)*168; $(window).scrollTop(moveto); $("#alpha_sorter span").css("color", "#000"); $(this).css("color", "#42153e"); //active color $("body").data("sscrollpos", moveto); $("body").data("sletter", letter); }); */ } /* ========================================================================== Library Items & Functions ========================================================================== */ function buildSelections(id, table, option) { if ( !table ) { return 0; } var result = null; //data from server $.post("workers/buildSelections/", { t: table }, function(id, option, data) { //user = data.split(":"); //userLogin(user[0], user[1], 400); select = lib_selectMenu(id, option, data); } ); } //Library function lib_changepwbtn() { return '
    \ Change Password\
    '; } function lib_updateInfo(label) { if ( !label ) { var label = "Update Info"; } return '
    \ ' + label + '\
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    \ ' + label + '\
    '; } function lib_selectMenu(id, option, data) { if ( !option ) { option = 0; } //default selected return '\ '; } //users that can access other brands var desso_users = ["21", "53", "46", "43", "26", "13", "1"]; //embedded $(document).keypress("c",function(e) { if(e.ctrlKey) { //$("#credits").fadeOut(1000); } }); /* * jQuery UI Touch Punch 0.2.2 * * Copyright 2011, Dave Furfero * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses. * * Depends: * jquery.ui.widget.js * jquery.ui.mouse.js */ (function(b){b.support.touch="ontouchend" in document;if(!b.support.touch){return;}var c=b.ui.mouse.prototype,e=c._mouseInit,a;function d(g,h){if(g.originalEvent.touches.length>1){return;}g.preventDefault();var i=g.originalEvent.changedTouches[0],f=document.createEvent("MouseEvents");f.initMouseEvent(h,true,true,window,1,i.screenX,i.screenY,i.clientX,i.clientY,false,false,false,false,0,null);g.target.dispatchEvent(f);}c._touchStart=function(g){var f=this;if(a||!f._mouseCapture(g.originalEvent.changedTouches[0])){return;}a=true;f._touchMoved=false;d(g,"mouseover");d(g,"mousemove");d(g,"mousedown");};c._touchMove=function(f){if(!a){return;}this._touchMoved=true;d(f,"mousemove");};c._touchEnd=function(f){if(!a){return;}d(f,"mouseup");d(f,"mouseout");if(!this._touchMoved){d(f,"click");}a=false;};c._mouseInit=function(){var f=this;f.element.bind("touchstart",b.proxy(f,"_touchStart")).bind("touchmove",b.proxy(f,"_touchMove")).bind("touchend",b.proxy(f,"_touchEnd"));e.call(f);};})(jQuery);